Monday, April 30, 2007

Monte Carlo Night

Don’t forget! Monte Carlo Night: The Premiere Young Adult Sponsored Summer Institute Black Tie Affair. Bring your best dress, and be prepared to raise the roof at the biggest party of SI 2007.

Thursday, April 5, 2007


And the Walls Came Tumbling Down...

But Dempsey Hall will rise again. Dempsey, which opened in 1963 as a companion to Peirce Hall, was razed this fall to make way for a newer, larger facility as part of the Peirce renovation project. In the new facility, students will enter an expanded food servery through a dramatic atrium. Peirce will retain its signature spaces, from the Great Hall and the main lobby to Peirce Lounge and the Bemis Music Room. The rebuilt Dempsey will feature a larger dining hall with bigger windows; on the lower level, a bigger central dining area will be flanked by four private dining rooms. The new facilities will include air conditioning, main-floor restrooms, a bigger pub space, and updated kitchen facilities equipped to store and process fresh local foods as part of the Food for Thought program.

Monday, April 2, 2007

Did ya' hear about the dining hall changes?

There’s Good News and Bad News about Dining in 2007

BAD NEWS: Kenyon College has closed our traditional cafeteria, Gund Dining Hall.

GOOD NEWS: Kenyon College has closed the tiny, cramped, totally inadequate cafeteria, Gund Dining Hall.

What have they replaced it with? Well, there’s good news and bad news.

GOOD NEWS: There’s a new, thousand seat dining hall being put in Pierce-Dempsey, the hall in the center of the campus.

BAD NEWS: It won’t be ready until 2008.

So what are they doing in the meantime? Well, there’s good news and bad news.

GOOD NEWS: They have a new, interim dining hall, which they call the “food court.” It’s not a real food court, but a modular-style cafeteria, featuring better food (there’s a new chef), several different forms of vegan protein at meals, plus (and this is near and dear to the UU heart) much better coffee. They call it a “food court” because it’s in the old basketball court.

BAD NEWS: The old basketball court is right across the street from the new athletic center, which, as regulars know, is way down the hill from the campus. And what are they doing about this? Well, there’s good news and bad news.

GOOD NEWS: From the North Campus, Kenyon will be running shuttle busses from the book store to the new dining facilities. From the South Campus, Kenyon’s put in a new pathway, less steep than the old ones, perfect for walkers and bike riders (see comments).

BAD NEWS: There really isn’t any.

PLUS there’s only good news about what it will contain. The SI Bookstore will move with us, and set up actually in the dining hall. The After-Supper Club, with supervised activities for youngsters, allowing adults to linger over the new, excellent coffee, will still be there. The boo-boo station will still be there. And you’ll still be able to get your evening copy of The Kaleidoscope, SI’s official newsletter, there every evening.

It’s a new experience, with both pluses and minuses, but we think you’re going to like it.

Registration is now open

Materials are up on the web!

Do we need a blog?

This might be useful for communicating about the goings on and planned events for OMDSI. Let me know what you think.