Monday, April 2, 2007

Do we need a blog?

This might be useful for communicating about the goings on and planned events for OMDSI. Let me know what you think.


Margot Critchfield said...

OK, where it the food going to be, really? Old basketball courts? That's like turn left where Farmer Jones' barn used to be. How about, where is the food relative to that big parking lot down the hill past the theatre?

Anonymous said...

So basketball wasn't how you spent your time at SI in the past, huh? Ok. As I understand it, the dining hall will be in the Ernst Recreation Center and Fieldhouse (no longer used for sports), just off the campus map. It is on the other side of Bolton Theatre from the parking lot, down the hill from Old Kenyon, Bushnell and Leonard Halls.

Hope that helps.

Anonymous said...

Hi There I'd like to thank you for such a great quality site!
I was sure this would be a nice way to introduce myself!

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