Friday, July 27, 2007

My Congregation

My Congregation
(sung to My Generation by the Who)
apologies to the Who; lyrics by Brad Bolton and Christie Anderson

(2 bars intro)
Falwell tries, to put us down; We won’t take it, lying down
Hank Thoreau is our hero; Next to him, Calvin’s a zero.

My congregation, my congregation baby
My congregation, my congregation baby

Open minds, we light our chalice; Open hearts, we have no malice
Have no creed, no dogma goals; WE have seven principles

My congregation, my congregation baby
My congregation, my congregation baby

Read our minds, on our bumpers; You won’t find no, bible thumpers
Long haired short haired butch or baldin’; All together we look for Walden

My congregation, my congregation baby
My congregation, my congregation baby

We don’t have no bible school; Hogwarts is our teaching tool.
Down to earth, never stuffy; We get high on fair trade coffee

My congregation, my congregation baby
My congregation, my congregation baby

Vegetarian, gluten free; Organically grown, non-dairee
Muslim, Buddhist, liberal Christian; Humanist, Atheist, Pagan, Wiccen

My congregation, my congregation baby
My congregation, my congregation baby

We are gay and we are proud; We wear our politics, very loud
Recycle reuse, don’t pollute; Drive hybrid cars to summer institute
Save the whale, save the lion; Save us from Dick Cheney’s lyin’

My congregation, my congregation baby
My congregation, my congregation baby
“Talkin bout my congregation” a capella

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