Thursday, July 12, 2007

Welcome to the Summer Institute '07 Young Adult Program!

Attending the Young Adult Program?

By now, you should have received your welcome letter with information about what to bring. Let us, the SI Young Adult Panel, give you a few extra clues.

This year we’re housed in Leonard. It’s close to food this year, and closer to Horn Gallery for our programming, BUT the dorm is NOT air conditioned. Please Please PLEASE bring a fan with you. The YA Panel will purchase some fans, but we cannot supply everyone, and it will be hot during SI.

Also, if you have lawn chairs or camping chairs, you may want to bring them to enjoy sitting outside and relaxing when it’s not scorching hot.

There are standard issue linens available, but you may feel more comfortable bringing your own, so I suggest it!! And bring flip flops for the shower, just in case.

An important reminder about Monte Carlo Nite: Not only is it a fundraiser for the YA scholarship program, it’s our premiere event. Every young adult is expected to be part of our event, so please bring some formal attire (a black dress, black dress clothes, especially if you’d like to be a games dealer!, or even some sort of costume-think along the lines of a cocktail event, if that helps). If we’re all in it together, we’ll help build an aura about our event that will make it incredibly memorable AND help us bring in extra funds, which will bring more of you and your friends in the future!!

Upon your arrival Sunday, please come to Horn Gallery by 8 p.m. so we can go through our YA Orientation and make sure everyone knows where we’ll be for our activities this year. If you don’t remember where that is, check your map from your on-site registration packet, or just ask!

The Young Adult Panel has been working hard all year for this-we are SO EXCITED you’ll be with us for an exciting week!!! If you have questions up until your arrival, please contact the YA Program Coordinator, Erin at 330-573-2030 or uu.rawkstar

Much UU love, and we can’t wait to see you at Summer Institute!!


the SI Young Adult Panel (SIYAP!)

Erin, Caleb, Krissy, Amber, Collin, & Lexi

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